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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/06/30
7:00 PM Town Office
June 30, 2008

Present:        Richard Leone - Chairman, Stephen White – Vice-Chairman, Emma
Smith, William Roach, Frederick Gallup, Donna Nashawaty – Town
Manager, Tony Bergeron – Road Agent, Walter Mitchell, Jaye Whitelaw,
& Laura Spector – Mitchell Municipal Group, David Cahill – Chief or

Others Attending:  See sign in sheet

The meeting was called to order at 7:01PM by Chairman Leone.

ITEMS FOR SIGNATURE OR REVIEW:  See agenda attached.

Emma Smith reported that there will be State Election Law Training Workshops in Claremont and New London.  Individual Selectmen will sign up to attend.

Bill Roach stated that a sign is needed on River St. to advise of no trailer parking at the end of the ice house parking lot to where the sidewalk starts.  Tony will take care of it.  Donna advised that in response to his earlier question about trailer parking behind the gazebo there are signs that state no trailers.

Dick Leone presented a newspaper article about Cassie White’s flute concert at Carnegie Hall to Steve White.

Dick Leone also stated there was an article in the paper regarding the Shoreline Protection Act.  Donna advised that there will be a session on the Shoreline Protection Act on July 2, 2008 at LSPA.

7:11PM – Public Hearing to amend the transfer station ordinance to describe construction and demolition debris and for the Board of Selectmen to be authorized to set fees.

Donna reported that the ordinance has not been updated since 1990.  It did not include construction and demolition debris which will now be included.  The ordinance says the Board of Selectmen shall set solid waste disposal fees.  Fred noted that the hours in the ordinance are not correct.  The correct hours are 8:00AM to 4:15PM Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and 8:00AM to 11:45AM on Sunday.  The transfer station is closed on Tuesday and Wednesdays.

Emma Smith asked if the ordinance information is given to new residents when they come in for their decals.  Donna advised that they are given a brochure which has all the fees and descriptions of what is accepted, and the hours of operation.

7:20PM – The public hearing was closed.

A motion was made by Bill Roach to adopt the ordinance as amended, effective June 30, 2008.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and approved unanimously

7:22PM – Mitchell and Bates
Walter Mitchell introduced Laura Spector and Jaye Whitelaw.  He reported that Tim Bates is retiring and the firm would like to continue doing work for Sunapee.  Steve White advised that they have been very happy with the service from the firm.  Mr. Mitchell stated that it is a service business.  On September 1, 2008 they will have another lawyer on staff who is very knowledgeable on land use issues.  The new name of the firm is Mitchell Municipal Group.  Dick Leone stated that a letter should be sent to Tim Bates thanking him.  Donna will send a letter.

7:38PM – New fees for transfer station.
Tony reported that most of the construction and demolition debris is brought in by contractors.  He stated that if they make the fees too high, people will dispose of it illegally.  He feels that going up 50% is better than a 100% increase as first recommended by the committee.  Donna advised that they will run short, but it is better than doubling the fees.  Bill asked about the charges for tires, refrigerators, and air conditioners.  Tony advised that those fees will stay the same.  The cost of getting rid of the gas has not gone up.  Steve White stated that the committee is in agreement on the new fees.  He recused himself from the vote as he is a member of that committee.

A motion was made by Fred Gallup to accept the proposed changes to the fee schedule for the open top effective August 1, 2008 (see attached fees).  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach.  The motion was approved with 4 in favor and 1 recused (SW).

Donna showed the Board a sample of the new transfer station pass that will be good for 3 years.  It will only be given to property owners and will have their license plate numbers on them.  Guest passes and passes for renters will stay the same (one year stickers).  Springfield has asked to wait until next year to implement the new pass, to see how it works.

7:55PM – Transfer Station Budget for 2008
Tony reviewed the line items with the Board (see attachment).  There is nothing too serious until item #635, fuel, which will be $20,000.00 over budget.  He has revised the budget to cover the expense.

Highway Budget for 2008
Tony reviewed the budget (see attachment).  He has had to make some changes in service.  To make this work, paving and contracted services have been stopped.  He has eliminated the stripping of center lines, roadside mowing, and contracted tree work.  The biggest problems are the repair of equipment and fuel.  Fuel will be about $36,000.00 over budget.  He has cut out a lot of patrol time and has doubled up on employees in vehicles.  He is also minimizing the amount of sand and gravel that has to be bought.  He does not know what the cost of salt will be.  Sand has gone up 15%.  He has adjusted the budget where he can.

Dick asked Sue Gottling if the County got a budget today and Sue responded that they have not.  There are a lot of questions that the delegation needs to address.  She hopes there will be some large decreases.  She will give the Board updates from time to time.  The next County meeting is on Tuesday, July 8, 2008.


8:39PM – A motion was made by Bill Roach to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved unanimously by roll call.

10:55PM – The Board returned to public session

A motion was made by Steve White to seal the minutes of the non-public session.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved unanimously by roll call.


Tax Exemption Applications
Donna reported that Our Lady of Unity has requested a tax exemption.  She received a letter from the Diocese of Manchester stating that Our Lady of Unity is not part of the diocese.  The Assessor has recommended denial of the exemption.  A motion was made by Emma Smith to deny the tax exemption.  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved unanimously.

Donna also reported that a request for abatement was received from RWB Living Trust and JHCB Living Trust for property at 30 Overlook at Indian Cave.  The Assessor has recommended denial of the abatement as sales to not uphold the request.  A motion was made by Steve White to deny the abatement.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved unanimously.

Town Hall Staffing
Donna reported that the part time payroll clerk is resigning.  She has posted the job internally.  Also the Administrative Assistant will be out 4 to 6 weeks because of surgery.

Action Bulletin
Donna passed out copies of the Action Bulletin.  The Board will need to vote on each item and decided if they want to make the Town Manger the delegate.  She will put the items on the agenda for the July 14 or 28, 1008 meeting.

Summer Town Meeting
Dick asked if the Board feels the meeting is productive as few people come.  He suggested that, perhaps, they could have a question and answer session before a regular meeting rather than a formal agenda.  Donna advised that she can film each department head presentations and put them on the web site.  Emma expressed that the summer town meeting is a good tradition and she does not want to change it.  It is done mainly for the summer residents so they know what is happening and what they are paying for.  Fred stated that they could change it to a session for the public to make comments and ask questions.  The Board agreed to hold the session on a weekday at 7:00PM.  The Board set August 18, 2008, 7:00PM, at the Town Hall Meeting Room for the session.  It will not include the school.

Perkins Pond Sewer Informational Meeting Date TBD – no action

Pending Information Hearing for one way loop – July/August
Steve White stated that since the walkway was put in, it has made walking in the Harbor better.  He doesn’t think a one way loop is needed now.  It may be necessary in a few years.  Bill advised that the items from the Charette were suggestions and one was a sidewalk which has been done.  The Charette suggestions were not gospel.  They had listed a counter clockwise loop.  He doesn’t think anything will happen with the Library and the old Town Hall for a few years.  Donna suggested that they not eliminate it tonight.  Emma asked if they could bring it up at the summer town meeting and Donna replied that they could do that.  They can do an informational hearing at the summer town meeting.

11:32 –The meeting adjourned.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                     Approved:                       

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith